Sunday, June 16, 2013

Lemon water

I've been seeing articles about the benefits of drinking lemon water but I never really read one seriously. 

One hot day last summer, I cut up a lemon,  sliced one half and squeezed the other half in a glass of cold water. I was hooked!

My water became doubly refreshing, its sourness making it seem fresher and healthier.

And that's how I began taking lemon water almost everyday. On cooler mornings,  I take it warm – refilling my small cup once or twice. Sometimes I add a little honey. And when it's time to leave for the office, I transfer the lemon slices to my tea tumbler and fill it up with warm water so I can continue to enjoy it on the road and at work.

The best thing about it? It can help speed up weight loss! According to, "Drinking lemon water is regarded by many professional nutritionists as having real and palpable weight-loss powers. Far from a weight loss myth, but, rather, a weight loss reality, drinking lemon water helps to speed up weight loss. In addition to possessing properties that are favorable to weight loss, drinking lemon water also ensures that some of the toxins in your body are cleaned out, promotes quick bursts of energy and even cleans out some of your internal waste. If you drink lemon water in the morning especially, it will help to activate your body's detoxifying process and also its natural cleansing process. This principle works proportionally, so the more lemon water you drink, the more you ought to speed up weight loss."

When life gives you lemons... put them in your water!

PS. One lemon costs less that 20 pesos. You can use 1/2 or 1 whole lemon with every glass of water. Cheaper and most definitely healthier than a can of soda!

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